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Red nutritionBAND

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Product Details
Info: For any orders exceeding 300 bands or needing international Delivery please contact us directly

I have an ALLERGY to a particular food such a peanuts or group of foods such as dairy. Please take the highest level of precaution around me as I may need urgent medical care / have an anaphalactic reaction and my life could be at risk. I am happy to donate 10% of the sale price (25p) to the Natasha Allergy Research Foundation.

You can order you nutritionBAND here now in 3 different sizes:
  • Small has a diameter of 4.5cm and is recommended for children up to year 6 / grade 5
  • Medium has a diameter of 5.5 cm and is recommended for teenagers from year 7 / grade 6 up to year 11 / grade 10
  • Large has a diameter of 6.5 cm and is recommended for year 12 / grade 11 and adults.
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Red nutritionBAND
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